Jos van Leeuwen graduated on Building Information Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology. After his studies, he worked part-time in the software industry and on his PhD research at Eindhoven University of Technology, where he continued to do research as associate professor and managed the master programme on Design & Decision Support Systems. In 2006 he was invited to a position of associate professor at the Universidade da Madeira, Portugal, where he initiated a new bachelor’s degree on Interactive Media Design and co-founded and co-directed the successful Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute that offers an HCI-master programme in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University.

Since 2011, Jos works at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, at the Faculty of IT & Design, first as associate professor in the Communication & Multimedia Design programme. He leads the research lab UrbanUX and, since May 2019, is full professor of Civic Technology.

dr. ir. Jos van Leeuwen